F.A.C.S. ve F.E.B.S. nedir?
What is F.A.C.S.?
F.A.C.S. denotes membership in the American College of Surgeons, the world’s most comprehensive professional organization for surgeons; and “Fellow of the American College of Surgeons” refers to the title consisting of the first letters of the words. This title is given to surgeons from the USA and other countries that meet the requirements and means that the FACS title holder carries out his/her professional activities above certain standards.

What is F.E.B.S?
F.E.B.S. denotes membership of the European Board of Surgery and refers to the title consisting of the first letters of the words “Fellow of the European Board of Surgery”. It is given to those who pass annual European examinations in two stages in specific surgical subspecialties and means that the person with the FEBS title is equipped to carry out the professional activity at European standards.